WASHINGTON D.C. (NewsDakota.com) – The Bureau of Reclamation sent out a press release stating the Oakes Test Area will no longer be under federal control. Instead the area will be owned and operated by the Dickey-Sargent Irrigation District.
“The Oakes Test Area was designed as a 5,000-acre prototype irrigation test area and includes three pumping plants, a canal, pipelines, laterals, drainage systems, wells, roads, an office building and several outbuildings,” said the press release. “The facilities are over 30 years old and have reached a point where significant rehabilitation is necessary to keep them operational.”
Now that ownership of the Test Area has changed hands, more power resides in local government.
“Local water decisions should be made locally, and that’s what title transfer does,” said Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman. “I am proud to send this additional title transfer to Congress so our partners at Dickey-Sargent will help control their own water future.”
The press release believes the transfer will be both beneficial for the federal government and local governments.
“The Dickey Sargent Irrigation District’s future ownership of these facilities could be used as collateral to modernize these facilities while also offering significant cost savings for the Federal government by avoiding future operating costs and liabilities.”
North Dakota Senator John Hoeven is also pleased with the transfer and believes it will be beneficial to the area.
“This follows our long efforts to pass legislation to allow such a transfer, ensure the Oakes Test Area is eligible and develop a workable plan for the irrigation district,” said Hoeven. “We appreciate the hard work of officials at both Interior and Reclamation for their continuous engagement on this issue. This title transfer will help enable the more effective use of the Oakes Test Area and ensure it continues to benefit agriculture producers in the region.”
The title transfer still needs to undergo a 90-day Congressional review period before it it finalizes.