Image and content provided by NDSU Extension
North Dakota State University’s Langdon Research Extension Center (LREC) and Northern Canola Growers Association will hold their annual field day online this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The field day is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. July 16. Visit the center’s website at https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/langdonrec for information on linking to the event.
“In addition to the challenges we face with COVID-19, growing season challenges continue in 2020,” says Randy Mehlhoff, LREC director. “Join the NDSU Langdon REC virtual field day as we address 2020 growing season concerns in northeastern North Dakota.”
The event will begin with a welcome from Greg Lardy, NDSU vice president for Agricultural Affairs.
Topics that will be covered and the presenters are:
- Northern Canola Growers Association update – Barry Coleman, association executive director
- Canola disease update – Venkat Chapara, LREC assistant research professor
- Soybean seeding date study – Bryan Hanson, LREC research agronomist
- Two of the most salt-tolerant annual crops in North Dakota – Naeem Kalwar, NDSU Extension soil health specialist at the LREC
- Late-season prevent plant options – Mehlhoff
- Evaluating suitability of soils for tiling – Larry Cihacek, NDSU soil science professor
- Hard red spring wheat (HRSW) breeding program update – Andrew Green, NDSU HRSW breeder
- Small-grain disease update – Andrew Friskop, NDSU Extension plant pathologist
- Integrated pest management survey in northeastern North Dakota – Janet Knodel, NDSU Extension entomologist