Photo: NDSU Extension – Stutsman County Facebook
Submitted by Robin Barnes
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Stutsman County Fair may have been cancelled, but the 4-H Fair is working within regulations and bringing in the kids and their livestock projects to the fairgrounds this week to be judged.
We are not inviting spectators in order to make this as safe as possible for our young exhibitors. Monday, June 22nd started the week with the Alpaca/Llama show, judged by Ken Forster of Forman, in the morning, and the Skill-a-Thon in the afternoon.
Tuesday the 23rd was the Dairy Cattle show and the Dairy Goat Show, judged by LeAnn Harner of Max. Wednesday through Friday and again on Sunday will be more shows and contests. Be watching for results here.
The 4-H horse show and static exhibit contest will be held later in August, so results for those will be coming then.
For more information on 4-H, please contact Robin at the NDSU Extension Stutsman County office at 252-9030.
Click the link below to view the results from the different contest: