BISMARCK, N.D. (NDDOT) – The fifth year of North Dakota Share the Road Safety Week will take place June 21-27.
During this designated week, the State of North Dakota and the North Dakota Active Transportation Alliance (NDATA) invite North Dakotans to celebrate safe bicycling and walking on roadways through a virtual event.
Throughout Share the Road Safety Week, email photos of you, your friends or family members bicycling or walking, along with a brief description, to NDATA to be featured on social media.
NDATA encourages safe driving practices among motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians to help meet Vision Zero’s goal of zero motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads. Share the Road Safety Week is a reminder that we all have responsibilities when it comes to safely sharing the road and it also recognizes those who have been killed or injured in motor vehicle crashes.
Motorists can share the road with bicyclists by following these tips:
- Obey traffic laws so you can be predictable to others.
- Allow at least three feet when passing a bicyclist. This may mean waiting and being patient to pass until it is safe to do so.
- Focus on driving and drive distraction-free.
- Show common courtesy and respect on the road.
Bicyclists should follow these tips when riding:
- Obey traffic signs and signals. Bicyclists should follow the rules of the road just like any other vehicle.
- Wear a helmet.
- Never ride against traffic. Motorists are not looking for bicyclists riding on the wrong side of the road.
- Follow lane markings and use hand signals.
- Use a light at night. The law requires a white headlight and a rear reflector or taillight at night.
In addition to pedestrians and bicyclists, motorists should be aware of motorcyclists. Motorcyclists also have the same rights as others. Never crowd motorcyclists and always give them a full lane.
Learn more about North Dakota Share the Road Safety Week at NDTA’s website. To view more about Vision Zero’s efforts and strategies to eliminate motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries by sharing the road, visit VisionZero.ND.gov.