JAMESTOWN, N.D. (Newsdakota.com) – The 34th Annual Jimmie Scramble at the Jamestown Country Club, created to “benefit University of Jamestown Athletics and our 500+ student athletes” according to the Jimmie Scramble website, is at max capacity for this Saturday, June 19.
Director of the Jimmie Booster Club Jim Klemann was thrilled to see another record-setting turnout.
With COVID-19 stipulations mowing events down left and right, Klemann said there were questions about making the Jimmie Scramble work.
For the most part the Jimmie Scramble will look the same, but Klemann said there are a few changes to adjust to and address COVID-19 concerns.
Another addition to this year’s event is an online auction portion. The auction was formed as an alternative just in case they were unable to hold the event. A number of golf related and University of Jamestown Athletics related items are currently up for auction on the University’s website.
The event itself has been booked solid for a while now, but there is still room in the Jimmie Shootout that starts Friday at 3:00.
For more information on the Scramble and Shootout contact Jim by emailing him at jklemann@uj.edu.