

Valley City Trap Club News 06/16/2020


It was a mighty windy Tuesday night.  I thought one of the shooters was being super polite to his neighbor by saying “My hat’s off to you!” but realized he was exclaiming “My hat’s off too!”

I would like to thank the club’s governing board for continual work on improving our club.  Chuck Mielke-President, Mike Howe Jr.-Vice President, Sandi Mielke-Secretary, Todd Anderson-Treasurer and General Manager; board members Dean Klein, Todd Paintner, Don Anderson, Mike Howe Sr. and Matt Marsh.

Many thanks to every one donating time and money.  We’re running about 50% participation at this time but at least our doors are open.  Beginning next week we will allow use of the restrooms.

This week’s high trap scorer was Jessie Varvra with a 23.  Team standings are:

US Fish and Wildlife    214

PPI                               210

Valley Meat                 175

RC Welding                 157

Berger Auto                105

Frostbite Grapple         93

Smith Lumber             85


Tip of the Week:  Hot humid weather is tough on a gun’s finish.  Wipe ‘em down.  Shoot well.