VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The state of North Dakota held our primary election this past June 9th. It was a bit confusing as to what candidates could and should do to campaign due to COVID-19. November 3nd is the district, state and presidential election.
This article will outline safe methods for candidates to use related to going door-to-door as approved by the Health Care Emergency Operations Center for Barnes County. Contact Theresa Will, City County Health District director for more information.
For the political candidate and the constituent to be safe, follow these guidelines.
1. The political candidate should wear a mask.
2. The candidate should ring the doorbell or knock, then step away from the door 6 feet.
3. The candidate and the constituent should not shake hands.
4. If the candidate is handing out a political flyer, hand it to the constituent and again step back 6 feet as you continue the conversation.
5. The coronavirus may stay on paper/flyers from campaigns for up to 5 days. Choices for the constituent would be to read the material when you receive it, then wash your hands for 20 seconds. Or set the material aside for 5 days because it has been shown that the virus can survive that long on paper. Remember also that each citizen is receiving a number of campaign flyers and letters in the mail and should follow the same procedure.
The risk of COVID-19 transmission is less outdoors than indoors, however, the guidelines still encourage the use of face coverings and staying 6 feet away from the other individual.
These guidelines are based on the recommendations from the state of ND and the CDC.
For more information on COVID-19 go to www.health.nd.gov and click on coronavirus (more information) or call their hotline at 1-866-207-2880 or contact City County Health District about any concerns or needs that you may have (845-8518). If you or your family would need a cloth mask, they can be obtained at City County Health District.
Story submitted to NewsDakota.com by City County Health District.