VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – During the month of May, Dakota Silver committed to donating a portion of their proceeds to the Barnes County COVID-19 Relief Fund held at the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation. Luke Trapp, co-owner commented; “This pandemic has affected every single person in our community in some way. We wanted to help the community, but were unsure how to do that. When we heard the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation began a relief fund for those impacted by this pandemic, we thought donating to the fund would be the best way to support our community.”
The Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation is so thankful to have incredible support from businesses like Dakota Silver, our small business community has a tremendous impact on our economy and adds to the quality of life of Valley City.
Dakota Silver prides itself on being a locally owned business since 1981 and is committed to making the community a better place. “Volunteer groups and nonprofit organizations do so much to help the community we are all a part of, but they can’t do it alone.” Says Matt Klabo, co-owner of Dakota Silver.
The Barnes County COVID-19 Relief Fund has awarded emergency grants to the Abused Persons Outreach Center, Buffalo Bridges Human Service Zone (Barnes County Social Services) and City County Health District. The relief fund will remain open for applications from nonprofit organizations in Barnes County that provide direct services such as behavioral health support, basic human needs, and healthcare. Consideration will also be given to projects which support community resiliency and response.
For more information on the Barnes Count COVID-19 Relief Fund or to apply contact Andrea Nelson at 701.490.1596 or visit the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation website at https://valleycitynd.org/covid-19.php
Feature photo L to R; Chad Zaun, Sally Hannig Tyler Van Bruggen, Andrea Nelson, Luke Trapp, Matt Klabo, Tom Glandt, Casey Glandt