JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Public School Board held discussion on creating an Ad Hoc Committee to explore a shared use facility with the University of Jamestown.
Jamestown Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Robert Lech reports that in previous discussions over the past few years, the district has had a strong working and planning relationship with the University of Jamestown.
Lech says the committee would bring back a recommendation after discussions. This will be discussed at the June 15th School Board Meeting.
The board approved to create the committee unanimously.
In other school news, Dr. Lech says they will begin construction on the safe routes to school work near the Middle School will begin around June 15th and be completed in July.
Lech added that the grant will add increase sightlines for traffic, provide additional drop-off space, increase safety features for students to cross the street, and additional sidewalks on the west side of the campus.
Other items discussed during the meeting Monday included the food service report by Shelley Mack and approval of a bid in the amount of $256,800 for the Lincoln Elementary Boiler project.
You can view the entire School Board Meeting in the video below: