JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Motorists traveling in Jamestown will be part of a 90 day “test evaluation” as the city and North Dakota Department of Transportation examine what the Road Diet would look like.
Five traffic signals along 1st Avenue were turned off, leaving only one operating at the intersection of 3rd Street SW next to Alfred Dickey Library.

A “Stop” sign has been posted on the stopped approach. Additional “No Parking” signs will be installed for sight distance requirements. The signals will be covered or bagged or set to flashing for 90 days, during which time the intersections will be evaluated.
Motorists are warned that north & south traffic will not be stopping for cross traffic or pedestrians as normal and to use extra caution.
After the 90-day evaluation period, the data will be analyzed and then the signals will be removed with the project unless the data contradicts that removal.