VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Graduation is a major milestone, and we celebrate with every high school and college senior. With our current COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to find ways to properly celebrate your graduate and yet respect social distancing and other guidelines in order to be safe.
The state of North Dakota has provided information to help us figure out a safe way to celebrate each graduate. A key guideline is to stay six feet apart from the graduate and any of the other guests. New information suggests staying even further apart. This means no hugging or shaking hands.
The coronavirus can travel on liquid droplets breathed or coughed out by infected people, so ‘physical or social distancing’ is very important. Six feet has never been a magic number that guarantees complete protection. When people speak loudly, laugh or cough the droplets may go further.
Limit the size of the guest list so that there can be six feet between all family members and guests…and wear a mask. Even if no one feels sick there is risk; a contagious person may not infect anyone or they may infect dozens of people.
Consider an outdoor gathering instead of an indoor event. Experts agree that it is absolutely clear that outdoor spaces with higher degrees of ventilation are less problematic environments—with a lower risk of spreading coronavirus. However, the CDC does recommend wearing a cloth face covering to help protect others, and to NOT gather in groups, even when outdoors.
It’s easier to stick to social distancing rules in the more spacious outdoors. And a breeze will reduce the risk of infection because it will move the viral particles away and disperse them into a much larger area than a living room, or even a garage. There is some evidence to show that direct exposure to sunlight outdoors can kill viruses on surfaces more quickly.
Food is a significant part of graduation parties. Consider food in individually wrapped portions and avoid having buffets. At buffet tables, people gather around or line up to get the food and the guideline of at least 6 feet social distancing will not be followed. In addition it may be possible that a person could get COVID-19 by touching a surface (e.g. serving spoon) or object that has the virus on it and then touch their mouth, nose, or eyes.
Graduation this year may not look the way anyone originally planned, but with a little creativity, you can honor your child’s accomplishments and bring together the important people in their life, and focus on celebrating in a safe way. Congratulations graduates from all of us at CCHD!
For more information on COVID-19 go to www.health.nd.gov and click on coronavirus (more information) or call their hotline at 1-866-207-2880 or contact City County Health District about any concerns or needs that you may have (845-8518). If you or your family would need a cloth mask, they can be obtained at City County Health District.
The story was submitted to NewsDakota.com by City County Health District Office in Valley City.