By Ally Knudtson
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – Jamestown Regional Medical Center reopened surgeries this month after postponing them due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
In addition to urgent and emergent procedures, JRMC can now offer time-sensitive procedures as well.
“Some conditions may not be life-threatening, however, they could deteriorate a person’s quality of life,” said Mike Delfs, JRMC President & CEO. “We made a promise to care for this community and we intend to keep it.”
The public can expect a few changes to processes at JRMC, Delfs said. These processes help keep patients, staff and visitors safe. Changes include:
- temperature and symptom screenings at every entrance
- restricted visitation
- social distancing modifications in our waiting areas and Apple Basket Cafe
- In addition to JRMC’s standard cleaning schedule, JRMC is also fortunate to employ R.O.S.I.E., the Xenex LightStrike germ-zapping robot. R.O.S.I.E. produces UV-C light for disinfection.
The public can also expect communication from their medical teams. Providers will work with each patient, especially those over age 60 or those who are chronically ill, to assess whether to move forward with a procedure or wait.
“Whenever patients are ready for us, we are ready for them,” said JRMC Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Michael T. Dean. “We’ll work with every individual to assess his or her risk and the best plan of care.”
Dr. Dean is also the chief of surgery.
JRMC postponed elective surgeries on March 23. Because most hospitals did this, some had to lay off or furlough employees. JRMC did neither.
“We’re grateful to our board for its leadership, our community for its support and our employees for their legendary work,” Delfs said. “Because of them, we could weather the financial implications of this pandemic.”
Dr. Dean reminds the public to remain vigilant.
“The threat of the virus remains, especially as people return to work and social events,” he said. “We ask people to maintain hand washing, social distancing guidelines and the CDC recommendations.”
Learn more about how JRMC is keeping the community safe at www.jrmcnd.com/covid-safety. Schedule an appointment at www.jrmcnd.com/appointments.