
Submitted by: Chantel Schock Harr

JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – The Blue Jays Speech Team ended their season with a virtual banquet May 13, 2020 to honor students.

Jackson Arends, Catherine Suckow, Caden Eslick, Dawson Mee, Keelie Renwick, Westin Walker, Ian Weis, Madison Grieve, Gavin Ameigh, Madison Motschenbacher, Anja McDermid, and Logan Motter all received a state C-STAND Award.

To be selected to the North Dakota All State Team, a speaker must place in three different categories during the season. Other awards include: Outstanding Speaker – Ian Weis, Most Improved – Westin Walker, Hardest Worker – Logan Motter, Rookie of the Year – Will Nelson, Most Valuable Middle School Speaker – Avery Mee, Most Improved Middle School – Brayden Motter, and Hardest Worker Middle School – Navalyn Hossel. Way to go, Blue Jays!

Coaches Laura Weis, Chantel Harr, and Brittany Chandler would like to congratulate the seniors – Jackson Arends, Caroline Kiser, Ashlyn Schauer, and Catherine Suckow on an award-winning season. Their guidance, determination, and diligence are inspirational to the other team members.

JPS Speech & Drama