
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – The South Central Human Service Center has continued to be a service for those who need them during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The center continues to operate normal hours and through telehealth when needed. Regional Director Dan Cramer says during the pandemic, they have been seeing more crisis admissions.

Cramer added that substance abuse was what they were seeing the most of. He added recently, they’ve noticed more in need.

Those who are isolated are the once who have been struggling the most according to Cramer.

Without human interaction, Cramer says stress increases and that could be a large reason why they’re seeing more struggles.

Cramer says stress isn’t limited to just those who are isolated or struggling with mental health or addiction. It also goes for those who are high-functioning adults.

He added that stress may be a normal part of life and is typically present as a way for humans to deal with things. He pointed out that there isn’t a “normal” outlet for relieving stress right now.

Cramer says we all want relief from this uncomfortable feeling, but it’s important to follow the plans to stay safe. He says finding connection and support is one of the most important things you can do right now.

If you need to talk to someone, you can contact the South Central Human Services 24/7 hotline at 701-253-6304 or dial 211.

You can listen to more from the latest COVID-19 briefing in Jamestown below: