VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The CROP Walk for Hunger will wrap up in Valley City on May 9th. Everyone is invited to participate and walk any distance you’d like, and walk anytime between now and May 9th.
CROP Walk spokeswoman Sharon Buhr said the reason for the walk is to raise funds for hungry people in Valley City, across the U.S. and the World. Twenty percent of funds raised will go to the Barnes County Food Pantry.
She said you can donate by sending a check to one of the following churches: Faith Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, Our Saviors Lutheran, Epworth Methodist or Connect Church. Checks can be made out to CROP Hunger Walk. Or donate online: www.crophungerwalk.org/valleycitynd/Donate
On social media look for Valley City/Barnes County CROP Hunger Walk.
The feature photo is Isaac Hanse holding a ‘Happy Foot’, the CROP Hunger Walk symbol this year. Look for these ‘Happy Feet’ in windows and on lawns as you go on your walk.