JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – With many businesses having the opportunity to open their doors once again under strict guidance from the state, the City of Jamestown reports that they’ll continue operating the same for now.
City Administrator Sarah Hellekson reports that the city will continue with having facilities closed to the public.
“The Governor stated that State buildings would remain closed,” Hellekson says. “He would prefer only the industries he listed open in Phase I per the guidelines to help flatten the curve of infections.”
City facilities including city hall, state and county buildings would not be opening to the public at this time.
This includes the Jamestown Civic Center, which will remain closed through Sunday, May 31st. Hellekson stated that the Governor did not indicate when public buildings would be phased into reopening.
“The Mayor has indicated that he wants the City Council meeting on May 4 to be held in person in the City Council Chambers and be open to the public,” Hellekson added.
The City meeting is scheduled for 5 PM, but Hellekson says she would like those who will attend to let the city know.
Hellekson says they anticipate Phases 2 and 3 would be ready in the next week or two and should have those facilities listed in those phases.