Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
New guidance from the Centers for Disease Control will help keep poultry processing workers safe and ensure the supply chain, according to the National Chicken Council. Responding to the new guidance this week, NCC President Mike Brown says, “We appreciate the administration’s new guidance in an effort to further keep our workers safe and keep food on the shelves.” CDC recommends facilities take measures to reduce COVID-19 risks. Specifically, the new guidance reiterates many already identified mitigation measures, including social distancing, engineering controls to minimize potential contact, protective gear and face coverings, shift staggering, health screenings, training and awareness, and financial incentives not to report to work sick. Brown says the biggest problem processors face is inconsistencies among state and local health departments and government officials who, in many circumstances, are developing their own criteria for maintaining operations. NCC says there must be a uniform approach across all states. NCC is urging states to adopt guidelines by the CDC and other federal agencies immediately.