BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – As North Dakota slowly prepares to “restart”, guidelines and outlines are being released in order to help prevent even further spread of COVID-19.
Governor Doug Burgum gave 8 guidelines they wanted the state to reach for the North Dakota Smart Restart program. On Tuesday, Governor Burgum said they had met all but 2 of the rules. Those are protection of the most vulnerable and standard operating procedures for businesses.
North Dakota Commerce Commissioner Michelle Kommer joined the Tuesday press conference to help provide some more details regarding the Smart Restart. She says the current information is just Phase I in the program.
Standards have been established for businesses and residents that include compliance, movement and activity, and employee and customer safety and trust. Kommer says they had businesses across the state to help establish these guidelines.
Kommer says venues such as restaurants, bars, hair salons, tanning salons, medical spas, fitness centers, and tattoo parlors will be allowed to reopen this Friday.
Kommer added that there will be more specific guidelines for each business.
Kommer says more guidelines are being worked on for larger venues including movie theaters.
You can find the full guideline information for North Dakota Smart Restart here.