
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – In November of 2019, the Valley City Barnes County Development Corporation was one of five regional entities awarded the Bush Prize for Community Innovation. The Prize celebrates organizations with a strong history of solving community challenges. To best serve the community and continue finding innovative solutions, the Corporation asked for input on how funds should be distributed.

After reviewing the submissions, the following projects will be receiving $350,000 of Bush Prize funds:

Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation/The Longest Table & Micro Grants-$30,000
Valley City Public Schools/On-Line Dual Credit Consortium-$50,000
City County Health/Healthcare Feasibility Study-$20,000
Sheyenne Valley Area Career & Technology Center/Career Readiness-$64,500
Sheyenne Valley National Scenic Byway/Kayak and Bike Kiosks & Water Trail-$25,800
Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals/Dog Park-$2,500
Career Academy/Set-aside Funds/Workforce Training-$100,000
Valley City Hockey Club/Equipment-$10,000
Valley City State University/Education-$29,500
VCBCDC Reserve/Other Projects-$17,700

Valley City Barnes County Development Corporation spokeswoman Jennifer Feist said we recognize your passion for implementing positive change and are enthusiastic to see your projects implemented. Thank you to those who provided input and submitted suggestions.

Feist added, “We understand our country is facing challenging times and are taken aback by the support community members, businesses, and nonprofits are giving each other. We encourage everyone to focus on the positives and continue planning for the future.”