National FFA
INDIANAPOLIS (Wednesday, April 22, 2020/National FFA Organization) – As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, FFA members and FFA Alumni and Supporters across the country continue to do what they do best — serve and feed America while helping others in their communities.
In Indiana, the Western Boone County FFA is kicking off “Milk & Meat for Boone County” this week. The FFA chapter is purchasing milk, beef and pork from Indiana businesses at discount prices to help farmers. The chapter will then supply the protein to the Caring Center and Western Boone’s food pantry to provide donations for more than three months in hopes of meeting increased needs.
The students are hoping to raise $7,500 to address food insecurity in Boone County while helping local farmers.
“As an FFA chapter, this milk and meat campaign is important to Western Boone simply because we believe in the resiliency of agriculture and helping those in need,” said Jaden Maze, chapter president of the Western Boone FFA Chapter. “Farmers are some of the most selfless people on earth, and being part of an organization that prides itself in leadership and service, it is FFA members’ duty to give back to them and help hungry people in our community.”
Fellow FFA member Audrey Knoper agreed. “All I have to do is look across the road at my dairy farming neighbors to see why the program is important,” she said. “I want to be able to support them while they continue to provide us with the food we love during this time.”
Those who donate to the chapter to assist with the program will have their gift tripled thanks to a leadership gift from an anonymous donor and the Boone County 4-H dairy promoters. The chapter will begin delivering the protein to the locations in May.
Alumni and members in Wisconsin are also supporting their local dairies while helping those in need. FFA Alumni and Supporters in Granton, Wis., purchased 92 gallons of milk one morning from local dairy farmers and then distributed the milk to Granton school families that receive lunches and breakfast deliveries each day. The alumni and supporters then issued friendly challenges to FFA chapters to do the same.
On Fridays, members of the Narragansett FFA in Rhode Island take part in Fresh Egg Friday. The FFA chapter’s goal is to get local, farm-fresh eggs into the community while raising money and awareness for FFA. The chapter has about 25 birds in the greenhouse, which results in two dozen eggs a day. Every Friday, the students collect the eggs and then visit popular spots in town to sell them. With recent closings, however, the group has changed procedures and is selling a limited supply of eggs outside the greenhouse.
FFA members and alumni alike are living to serve through this uncertain time and continue to give back to their community. Follow more stories about FFA members on FFA.org.
The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to more than 700,000 student members who belong to one of the more than 8,600 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The organization is also supported by more than 8 million alumni and supporters throughout the U.S.