VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Public School District will hold their annual school election on June 9. It will be conducted by mail-in ballot only this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Governor’s Executive Order #2020-19.
There are two positions up for election, one district wide At-Large and the other being Rural-At- Large. Arthur Frieze has filed for the district At-Large position and Ryan Mathias, incumbent, has filed for the Rural At-Large position. Sherri Horsager announced she is running as a write-in candidate for the At-Large position. The new board members will take their seats on the school board at the annual July meeting.
Prior to April 30, the state of North Dakota will be mailing all residents an absentee/mail ballot application that will need to be filled out and returned to the Barnes County Auditor’s Office in Valley City. When completing this application please make sure School Election is selected. Once the county receives the absentee/mail ballot applications, Barnes County will forward a copy of the application to the school district. The school district will then mail the actual ballot to the voter. The voter will return the completed ballot to the Valley School Business Manager. The ballot has to be inserted in the envelope provided and your signature must appear in the appropriate place on the back of the return envelope. One can either mail the ballot to the school district or drop the ballot off at a drop box located outside the main door of the School District Administration Office Building located at 460 Central Ave North.
Interested patrons that do not receive an absentee/mail ballot application in the mail from the state of North Dakota after April 30th are asked to contact the Barnes County Auditor’s office at 845-8500 or Thomas Vanorny, Valley City School Business Manager at 845-0483, x104 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.