LUBBOCK, Texas (April 15, 2020)—The National Sorghum Foundation opened three scholarship applications today for college students studying agriculture in the 2020-2021 academic year with an application deadline of June 1, 2020.
“Since its inception in 2000, the National Sorghum Foundation has been proud to award outstanding students with the financial assistance necessary to succeed,” National Sorghum Foundation Chairman Larry Lambright said. “We look forward to supporting students who excel in academics, leadership and service to their universities and communities.”
Bruce Maunder Memorial Scholarship: Bruce Maunder was a lifetime advocate for sorghum and a man admired throughout the industry for his dedication to sorghum. Bruce also ran the National Sorghum Foundation as chair for almost 20 years. Darrell Rosenow Memorial Scholarship: Darrell Rosenow spent over 40 years as a sorghum plant breeder and developed a reputation as a pioneer in hybrid sorghum breeding. This scholarship is presented in Rosenow’s honor in support of the next generation of agricultural pioneers. Bill Kubecka Memorial Scholarship: Bill Kubecka served as a sorghum sector representative on the U.S. Grains Council board, the Nation Sorghum Producers board and Sorghum Checkoff board. Throughout his life, Kubecka remained active and engaged in the advocacy process for sorghum and U.S. sorghum producers.
Each scholarship includes an award of $1,500 to be applied to one semester of tuition expenses and the Kubecka Memorial Scholarship includes an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. More information about each scholarship’s criteria and application forms can be found online at SorghumGrowers.com/Foundation-Scholarships/.