Chad Smith, NAFB News Service
A very important link in the American food-supply chain is restaurants, which are looking at new temporary ways of doing business to stay afloat. As traditional grocers struggle to keep up with increased demand brought on by COVID-19, restaurants are turning to grocery sales to make ends meet. ABC News says it’s a trend that’s catching on across the country as large chains and mom-and-pop establishments look for new income. Panera launched Panera Grocery, which not only sells traditional Panera restaurant items, but items like milk, eggs, and fresh produce that its 2,100 stores normally use to make meals. Sara Burnett, Vice President of Wellness and Food Policy at Panera, says the decision to sell groceries is a reaction to the “unprecedented crisis our country is going through right now.” Subway is selling groceries at 250 of its stores in five states, including California, Connecticut, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington. The National Restaurant Association says the industry has lost three million jobs and $25 billion in sales since March 1. A spokeswoman says three percent of restaurants have permanently closed and another 11 percent will do so by the end of this month.