

FARGO, N.D. (April 8, 2020) – The Northern Crops Council (NCC), the governing board of the Northern Crops Institute (NCI), is accepting nominations for membership. This year we have one open position for a producer/representative from commodity groups, and two open positions for industry representatives. Our goal is to have broad representation for crops produced in the four-state region served by the NCI.
The NCC is the statutory governing board of the Northern Crops Institute. Members represent commodity organizations, state government and private industry. The Council sets policy and is responsible for working with the staff on long-range planning. 
The commodity position can be filled by a producer representing a commodity group from South Dakota, Minnesota, North Dakota or Montana that does not have permanent NCC representation. 
For all three memberships, terms begin with the annual reorganization meeting in June 2020, and are for a three-year period with eligibility for a second, three-year term. The NCC meets three times annually, in the summer, fall and early spring.
Please submit nominations to our office in writing by May 15, 2020. A brief letter of nomination regarding the person’s interest, commitment and background is appropriate. The permanent membership of the NCC will elect the person to fill this position from the nominees. 
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact our director, Mark Jirik. Additionally, our address for nomination submission is below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Northern Crops Institute
NDSU Dept. 7400, PO Box 6050
Fargo, North Dakota, USA 58108-6050
To learn more about the Northern Crops Institute, please visit

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