
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – University of Jamestown Chaplain Reverend Dr. Candace Adams is using her voice to help provide children with some guidance during these uncertain times.

Adams has been working in ministry for 25 years and says she has always had a passion for helping children. From adopting her own to working with them, Adams says she has always been drawn to teaching children.

With the University of Jamestown moving to just online courses, Adams has found time to create a YouTube channel called “Myrtle’s Blessings Ministries”. She says with a lot of uncertainty and anxiety surrounding the ongoing pandemic, she found herself drawn once again to helping children and their families.

A goal of the University of Jamestown is to promote servant leadership, which Adams says is also a driving force for her YouTube channel.

Adams added that children are seeing a lot of uncertainty right now and are looking to adults for information.

You can view her YouTube channel by clicking here. If you have questions, reach out to Reverend Dr. Candace Adams by email at

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Reverend Dr. Candace Adams below: