Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
Grocery stores and the food chain across the nation are adapting to the new normal, with shelter in place and work from home orders across the county. Doug Baker, industry relations vice president at The Food Industry Association, says in a blog post, “the industry is rewriting the playbook on crisis response in real-time.” To heighten personal safety and engender a deeper comfort level among associates and shoppers, retailers are using various tactics in their stores to implement the protocol of maintaining safe social distance. Every store looks different, so the measures retailers are taking vary depending on the unique needs of their setting. For example, some retailers are putting up stanchions and floor decals to indicate where shoppers should stand to help them measure the appropriate amount of space in queues and depending on the store. Additionally, stores are piloting “pick-up only” at some facilities. Baker adds, “Our industry is at its best when the public needs us the most.”