BISMARCK, N.D. (G&F) – Landowners who are interested in a 2020 deer gratis license can start the online-only application process now by visiting the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website, gf.nd.gov.
The deadline for applying is June 3.
The general deer and muzzleloader lottery applications will be available online in early May, also with a deadline of June 3.
Since 2018 the Game and Fish Department has opened deer gratis applications a month earlier than prior years to allow additional time for online applications for landowners who are busy with spring farm and ranch activities.
Gratis applicants who have previously applied online will automatically have their land description carried forward to this year’s application. However, any changes with land descriptions from last year’s application must be made prior to submitting the 2020 application.
Applications must be submitted online using a computer or smartphone. License vendors are unable to process deer gratis applications.