

National FFA


INDIANAPOLIS (Thursday, March 26, 2020/National FFA Organization) – FFA members across the country have a heart for service — and now more than ever, it shows.

FFA members have given back to their communities through a variety of service projects – whether it’s helping with community gardens, volunteering at senior living facilities or helping to clean up green spaces. In a recent survey, FFA state officers indicated that, on average, they participate in one to two community service events a month.

Today, as a new reality sets in with COVID-19 and e-learning becomes the new norm, FFA members are finding ways to encourage others online by sharing messages of positivity. Mamie Hertel, National FFA central region vice president, reached out to several members from across the country to compile words of support from others in a new video, which you view here.

In addition to the video, the 2019-20 National FFA Officer Team is posting inspiring messages each day on Facebook Live, except for Sunday, staying in touch with tomorrow’s leaders. FFA members, in turn, are joining in the conversation as well. For example, Emily Nave from Tennessee shares that she’s keeping upbeat by doing things she enjoys, such as painting. FFA alumni Adrian Schunk from Michigan shared that she does three things to stay positive – encourage others to learn something new, stay connected to one another and keep active!

“Our positive thoughts and words can make a world of difference to someone who is in need of encouragement,” Hertel said. “We all are capable of being more positive, so why not start today?”

The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to more than 700,000 student members who belong to one of the more than 8,600 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The organization is also supported by more than 8 million alumni and supporters throughout the U.S.


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