JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown is reminding residents to be counted during the 2020 Census.
Local Complete Count Committees (CCC) have been working to spread information regarding the Census and the impact it has on each county and city in North Dakota.
City Councilmember Pam Phillips is a member of the Jamestown CCC.
Phillips says residents can respond by mail, phone, or even online at 2020census.gov.
Currently, the city of Jamestown and Valley City are in a friendly competition to have the most self counts before the end of the response period on August 14th.
Mayor Dwaine Heinrich encouraged Jamestown residents to get counted right away so the city could “beat” Valley City.
Currently, Valley City leads Jamestown with a response rate of 41.2% compared to Jamestown’s 38.5%.
According to the 2020 Census, Stutsman County sits at approximately 36% counted compared to 30% in Barnes County.
Statewide, North Dakota is behind South Dakota in response rate and slightly under the national response rate.
You can be counted today at 2020Census.gov or by calling 1-844-330-2020.