CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Carrington Public School District will begin their free breakfast and lunch program today for students in the area.
Carrington Superintendent Dr. Brian Duchscherer reports that the program is made possible through the USDA.
Dr. Duchscherer says between 11:30 AM to 1 PM, you can pull up to door 1 and they’ll give you a breakfast and lunch for each child. He says you can go to the schools website to let staff know ahead of time so they can have the meals ready to distribute.
With in-class services suspended indefinitely, Dr. Duchscherer says they will be moving to their online format. He says this isn’t just limited to education.
Dr. Duchscherer says they’ll continue to improve and address concerns as their online services continue.
Students K-6 have an iPad and every student 7-12 have a Macbook, which should help benefit the school district moving forward. He says teachers will be using different educational platforms to provide the education and services of the school district.
For more school information, visit https://www.carrington.k12.nd.us/
Listen to a full interview with Dr. Brian Duchscherer below: