VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City Public Schools Superintendent Josh Johnson announced that the school district will not hold classes for the week of March 23rd thru March 27th.
Johnson made the announcement on Wednesday, March 18th. He said the district will still provide meals and mental health services to students during the shut down.
Meanwhile, Johnson said there will be a Resource Blitz on essential items and personal belongings “Pick-up” plan for students in the Valley City Public School District on March 19th.
Superintendent Josh Johnson said on Thursday, March 19 parents and students will have the opportunity to stop at school to pick up personal belongings and necessary supplies to continue their educational opportunities at home. In order to help alleviate large crowds, we have designated the following times and divided up families by last name. Please utilize your assigned time slot. Also, we are envisioning a very quick collection while at school. No loitering will be encouraged.
Times and Last Names that start with:
9:00 – 11:00 – Last Names that begin with A – I
11:00 – 1:00 – Last Names that begin with J – R
1:00 – 3:00 – Last Names that begin with S – Z
If you are unable to make these times work, please contact your
building administrator to make arrangements.
Johnson had these updates on the current situation in the school district.
Valley City Public Schools has four key areas of our District COVID-19 plan that allows us to continue to meet the needs of our students and families. Below, we have provided a brief summary of this plan. Please know that additional information will be shared by email and social media.
Distance Learning (Principals)
Teachers will be designing distance learning plans on Tuesday and Wednesday and will be prepared to share these plans with students on Thursday. Information regarding the “Resource Blitz” will be provided from your school principals before the end of the day on Tuesday, March 17th.
Nutrition (Joleen Hagen)
Please see the attached flyer with detailed information regarding the School Meal Pick-Up Plan that will begin on Tuesday, March 17th at 11:00am.
Mental Health (Vanessa Kocka)
Please see the attached flyer with detailed information regarding the Mental Health Plan that will be initiated in our school district beginning immediately. Our continuation of these services is very important for supporting our students and families through entirety of this school closure.
Childcare for Healthcare Providers and Emergency Responders
Following the guidance from the state of North Dakota, we will sending an email with a survey that will identify the childcare needs of our parents who are employed as healthcare providers or emergency responders. Please be looking for this email coming in the next couple of days.
If you have any questions regarding this email or the four identified areas of our District COVID-19 Plan, please send your questions to josh.johnson@k12.nd.us.
Josh Johnson
Valley City Public Schools
(701) 845-0483
Johnson said he will provided daily updates on the school district’s plans to protect students, staff members and the community on KOVC Radio and right here on NewsDakota.com