JAMESTOWN, N.D. (UJ) – On Tuesday, March 17, University of Jamestown President, Dr. Polly Peterson, announced that the University will move to online learning to support prevention efforts aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
“Throughout the past few weeks, the Administration’s desire has been to retain the classroom experience for our residential programs while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of those we serve,” explained Dr. Peterson in her message. “Unfortunately, with the rapidly changing circumstances that inform and influence our decisions, the Administration has made the decision to continue our semester in an online learning environment through Monday, April 13, with the goal of returning to campus on Tuesday, April 14.”
Originally, the University planned to have students return to in-person classes on March 23, after extending Spring Break one week.
Campus housing will continue to remain open with available dining options. To read Dr. Peterson’s full announcement, as well as past announcements pertaining to COVID-19, please visit uj.edu/coronavirus.