“Tell the Truth”, photograph by Jamie Azevedo
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Vivid southern characters and romantic landscapes ignited the imagination of Jamie Azevedo, inspiring her to create her exhibit “The Female Gaze.”
Transitioning from the stage to two-dimensional work has allowed Azevedo to have complete creative control as well as deeply explore themes such as interconnectedness and mutuality.
“She is inspired by the metaphysical world, history, meditation, laughter, mind-bending conversations, the game of ‘what if’, her amusing family, quirky humans, philosophy, and the ludicrous yet jubilant journey that we are all on together,” the Arts Center states. “Her work has been shown in galleries throughout the United States.”
Art Center Executive Director Mindi Schmitz says the gallery was just installed this week and will be open to the public through April 25th.
The dreamlike photographic images in the installation were created using a long-exposure technique. The body of work explores what it feels like to inhabit the female form.
“The artist hopes these portraits remind you that women are resilient, creative energies capable of brilliance, transcendence, and grace,” the Arts Center added.
Azevedo says all of us are wrapped up in fragile bodies subjected to abuse and annihilation.
“But we also possess creative minds which can empower and enlighten others,” Azevedo says. “As we females stand on the shoulders of the countless brave women who have helped pave the path towards our insight and successes, let us remember that we are much more than our bodies. And we cannot be contained.”
Listen to a full Let’s Talk with Mindi Schmitz below: