VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – After a few drug overdoses and one death from an overdose was reported in Jamestown this week. The Valley City School Resource Officer Sean Hagen issued this warning to parents and children in the Valley City Public School District.
The following is a news released issued by Officer Hagen on March, 10th.
“It has been reported that there have been a number of drug overdoses in the Jamestown area in the last 4 days resulting in at least one death. Investigators in the police department have reason to believe there is a dangerous substance being distributed in their community. Officers have been administering Narcan, which can be a lifesaving tool in these overdose circumstances. Jamestown police department is conducting an investigation into these cases and has issued a precautionary warning to anyone who may have purchased illicit substances in the last several days.
Based on this information and our close proximity to the Jamestown community we thought a precautionary note was appropriate to send to our parents and community members as well.
We hope these substances do not make their way into the Valley City community and certainly hope they don’t find their way into the schools. However, as a reminder, every building in the Valley City Public School district has Narcan available in each office and inside every AED station. Staff have been trained district-wide in administering Narcan safely to any individual who may need this type of response.”
By SRO Sean Hagen