The Department of Agriculture Thursday announced a proposed rule that it says will strengthen the way states serve Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients through Employment and Training. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue says, currently, SNAP participants have exclusive access to training and support services to help them enter or move up in the workforce. The proposed rule, Employment and Training Opportunities in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, makes changes to these services to “empower more SNAP participants to gain the skills, training, or work experience they need to move toward – and into – employment.” USDA says the proposed changes are evidence-based and hold states accountable for providing SNAP Employment and Training services that move participants towards work. The Hagstrom Report points out that the rule also states repeatedly that state agencies shall inform all able-bodied adults without dependents, a category of SNAP recipient, of the work requirement on them and the time limit to comply both in writing and orally.