JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The spring flooding outlook has improved slight for Jamestown according to the most recent hydrologic outlook from the National Weather Service.
The outlook is the second of a series provided by the National Weather Service to provide highlights of the conditions affecting local hydrology.
Stutsman County Emergency Manager Jerry Bergquist reports that both locations have an above normal risk for spring flooding due to the current snowpack. He says in those two locations, they’re more rural.
Bergquist added the concern will be those to the south of the James River in the LaMoure area.
The next outlook will be released by the NWS on March 12th.
Bergquist also gave the latest on dam releases, stating that the US Army Corps of Engineers deserved credit for reaching their target releases over the course of the winter.
Bergquist says if needed, Jamestown should be prepared for high releases once again if it’s required.
You can listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Jerry Bergquist below: