JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Foreign Language is one of many courses offered at the University of Jamestown.
It also provides some of the biggest opportunities for students.
Alexandru Lefter is an Assistant Professor of Foreign Language at the University of Jamestown.
Lefter has been with the University of 5 years, helping students develop long-lasting language proficiency. Besides Spanish, he can speak fluent Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, and French.
He says the University requires at least one year of a foreign language, but they work beyond that for their majors and minors.
Students also have other opportunities outside of the classroom while studying foreign language.
Another exciting part to the program is the integration of foreign language into other majors, such as nursing or biology.
Lefter says the benefit to the community for having their foreign language department close by is the opportunity for community members to also take part.
Those interested in learning more about the foreign language programs at the University of Jamestown are encouraged to visit uj.edu, call 701-252-3467 ext. 5429 or email Alaexandru.Lefter@uj.edu.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Alexandru Lefter below: