BISMARCK, N.D. (G&F) – The 2020 spring wild turkey lottery has been held and individual results are available on the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website, gf.nd.gov.
The Game and Fish Department will mail the spring turkey licenses to successful applicants after they purchase a valid 2020-21 hunting license. All spring turkey hunters regardless of age are required to have a general game and habitat license in addition to their spring turkey license. Hunters age 16 and older must also have a small game license, or a combination license. The 2020-21 licenses are available for purchase beginning March 15. Spring turkey hunters are encouraged to purchase their other necessary licenses well in advance so their turkey tag arrives before the season opener on April 11. A total of 433 spring turkey licenses remain in seven units. These remaining licenses are issued on a first-come, first-served basis beginning 8 a.m. Central Time on March 17. Hunters are allowed a maximum of two licenses for the spring season. Licenses remain in unit 06, Bowman County; unit 13, Dunn County; unit 19, Grant and Sioux counties and portions of Morton County; unit 25, McHenry County and portions of Pierce and Ward Counties; unit 31, Mountrail County; unit 45, Stark County; and unit 51, Burke County and portions of Renville, Bottineau and Ward counties. Applications must be submitted online at the Game and Fish website. Only North Dakota residents are eligible to apply. |