JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Knights of Columbus are in the middle of a local food drive to benefit local food pantries, but will also benefit from raised donations.
Wade Senger says the primary goal is helping out the local food pantries with their drive that goes through February 23rd.
Senger says they have a food drop off location at their Knights of Columbus Hall. He says other entities their associated with are also helping raise food donations.
While the major beneficiary of the food drive will be the community, Senger says there is some incentive for them to collect as much as possible to help Jamestown out even more.
Knights of Columbus councils have provided more than 23 million pounds of food and $11 million dollars to families throughout the United States and Canada through the Food for Families program since 2012.
The Knights of Columbus will be collecting food and monetary donations at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 519 1st Ave S through February 23rd. Council 1883 in Jamestown is one of 17,000 Knights of Columbus councils that make up the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization.\
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Wade Senger below: