By: Natalie McKenna
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (UJ) – University of Jamestown is once again hosting its annual Character in Leadership Conference. The event has been rescheduled for Thurs., Feb. 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. It is free and open to the public.
“The spring 2020 UJ Character in Leadership Conference brings an interesting perspective and one that I hope people will appreciate and enjoy,” said Liz Hunt, MA, Director of Character in Leadership. “For many people, faith and leadership go hand in hand, providing the impetus for how they engage with others and the world.”
Dr. Shane Berg, Executive Vice President at Princeton Theological Seminary and keynote speaker at the conference, will explore what the New Testament teaches individuals about what it means to be a Christian leader in his address titled, Leadership by Serving: Christian Leadership in a Chaotic Age.
Expanding on the keynote speech, Hunt explained, “This year, Dr. Berg will be addressing leadership from a biblical perspective and how that perspective can provide us with actionable guidelines for engaging in a diverse and ever-changing world. I hope attendees will find the presentation to be moving and profoundly relevant to their lives.”
Breakout sessions, which will each cover leadership ideas and experiences related to various professional fields, will take place from 6:30-7:20 in various locations on campus. Breakout speakers include Steve Bietz, retired CEO of WBI Holdings in Bismarck, Mindi Schmitz, Executive Director of the Jamestown Arts Center, and Trisha Jungels, Chief Nursing Officer at Jamestown Regional Medical Center. Location details are available in the Reiland Fine Arts Center lobby.
Tickets, although free, may be reserved at the Reiland Box Office by calling 701-252-3467 ext. 5435 or emailing tickets@uj.edu. For a campus map, please visit uj.edu/CampusMap.