
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – A new program aimed at assisting dedicated and loving caregivers is now available in the Jamestown area through Lutheran Social Services (LSS).

The Daybreak Respite Care program is provided through Aging Life Care (ALC) of Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota. Carmel Froemke is the ALC Team Lead.

The program was created for caregivers who may occasionally feel overwhelmed or exhausted or just need free time to do other things. Froemke pointed out that sometimes caregivers just need to care for themselves.

Jim Holben, Aging Life Care Specialist for LSS in Jamestown, says they’ll offer the care Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment.

The program will allow for a mix of engaging, interactive actives including physical movement, social engagement, cognitive exercise, and spiritual actives. Holben says their goal is to be as involved as possible when providing the respite care.

Froemke says those who want to access these services don’t even need a caregiver in order to partake.

Holben says the care is there for those who need it and can be used by anyone traveling in and around Jamestown.

The Daybreak Respite Care program can be utilized through Lutheran Social Services at the Legacy Living Center in Jamestown at 419 St. NE or in home by appointment. The cost is $20 per hour for Tuesdays from 9 AM to 1 PM, $20 per hour for Thursdays from 2 PM to 5 PM, and $28 per hour by appointment at the Legacy Center or in-home.

You can schedule use of the program or learn more by visiting or by calling Jim Holben at 701-271-3295 or Carmel Froemke at 701-271-3232.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Jim Holben and Carmel Froemke below: