SIBLEY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The 29th Annual Barnes County Wildlife Federation Coyote Hunt was held on February 1st.
13 teams with 29 hunters participated and shot a total of 7 coyotes during the hunting derby.
The Raffle Gun Winner was Austin Gahner. The top four teams in the Coyote Derby are listed below.
1st place team Eugene Sandness, Keith Hample, Rob Sandness shot 3 coyotes.
2nd place team Dustin Krueger, Austin Gahner, Nick Olson shot 2 coyotes.
3rd place team Nathan Rausch, Randy Bostrom, Mary Rausch 1 coyote.
4th place team Brayden Johnson, Zayne Brunette, Devin Schuldheisz shot 1 coyote.