JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Superintendent Rob Lech has been working with a group through the North Dakota Association of School Administrators (NDASA) Legislative Focus group on behavioral health challenges.
During the recent Jamestown Public School Board meeting, Lech included the latest on his work in his superintendent report.
“Part of this work has led to the opportunity to develop a relationship with Pam Sagness, director of the Behavioral Health Division of the North Dakota Department of Human Services,” Lech reports. “We have been working through how we can better support each other, break down silos to behavioral health, and better support school districts in this area. This has been a long process, but one that I believe is finally going to start bearing fruit in the near future.”
Lech goes on to say there have been some minor wins in their discussions and work, including some grant funding to explore school-based programming. This includes a waiver relating to school-aged children’s behavioral health initiatives.
“Behavioral health is likely the number one trend and challenge in every school district in North Dakota. It is important to note that the term behavioral health extends from mental health services to prevention, addiction and recovery services.”
Lech says through these discussions and needs, he says he’s working on paths to better support students, teachers, and administrators to address behavioral health.
“While both are in the infancy of development, there is potential that, if realized, could have a significant impact. Of course, if a plan is made, any agreement would require board approval.”
At this time, the school lacks a full-time School Resource Officer due to lack of staff on the Jamestown Police Department.
“We have been in discussions with the Village on the possibility to utilize the federal funds we had allocated to an SRO through Title IV and target behavioral health counseling services for the remainder of the year. Unfortunately, they did not have the available counselors to make that a possibility this year. I will, however, be looking at this possibility for next year.”
Lech says there have also been discussions with Medallus regarding a potential for partnership to provide behavioral health counseling for students.