JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Some of the first contact a future college student may have is through recruiting and admissions.
The University of Jamestown believes that this contact doesn’t end once the student has been enrolled.
Jodi Grugel, Director of Admissions, says recruitment and admissions work hand in hand.
Grugel stated that the recruiting process has changed over the years, but the most important part is communication.
From there, Grugel says their next steps are getting students on campus. While the University hosts personalized visits, she says they encourage anyone who is seeking to further their education to take a tour, even if they aren’t considering the University of Jamestown.
Greg Ulland, VP of Enrollment Management, says through admissions, they ensure they’re up front and honest with the students.
Ulland says their work doesn’t stop there. He says not only do they keep up contact throughout a student’s collegiate career, but well after they’ve graduated.
Those who are interested in learning more about the recruiting and admissions process or scheduling a tour at the University of Jamestown are encouraged to visit uj.edu.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk ABout It with Jodi Grugel and Greg Ulland below: