The National Biodiesel Board released comments in response to the USDA’s request for information on the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program. The NBB says it’s grateful that biodiesel is included in the program. The infrastructure needs for biodiesel, renewable diesel, Bioheat, and sustainable aviation fuel are different from those of other biofuels. In its comments, the group asked USDA to focus the program on investments in strategic terminals, pipeline storage, and rail expansion to create a broader downstream capacity to sell more gallons. “Investments would be best served on opportunities that would afford the greatest additional volumes of biodiesel to enter the marketplace,” the group says in its comments. “The greatest barriers to biodiesel distribution are at the terminal and pipeline terminal level, as well as railways to reach distribution centers.” Kurt Kovarik, NBB Vice President of Federal Affairs, says they’re grateful to the USDA for following through on a pledge to support infrastructure projects that facilitate higher biofuel blends. “American consumers are increasingly demanding access to clean, low-carbon, advanced biofuels, like biodiesel,” Kovarik says. “We look forward to working with the USDA to strengthen the market for higher blends of biodiesel.”