
BISMARCK, N.D. (NDGLC) – The North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition (NDGLC) elected officers and directors to its board of directors at its annual meeting in January.

Officers elected are Chairman Jerry Doan, Vice Chairman Jay Reiser, Secretary/Treasurer Jed Rider and Past Chairman Chad Njos. The directors elected to the board of directors for a three-year term are Darrell Oswald, Pete Kronberg and Chad Njos. Directors Ken Miller and Justin Maddock will continue to serve on the board.

Chairman Jerry Doan of McKenzie, N.D., his wife and family raise cattle and bison on the Black Leg Ranch. He practices holistic management through planned rotational grazing, regenerating soil health and wildlife. He and his family have also stacked complementary enterprises including a hunting/outfitting business, an agri-tourism operation, Black Leg Brewery, and Black Leg Ranch Meats.

Vice Chairman Jay Reiser of Washburn, N.D., began ranching with his wife in 2010 and calves about 180 cows from May to late June. Reiser practices holistic management through bale grazing, winter grazing, high stock density grazing, and rotational grazing to improve soil health on his ranch.

Secretary/Treasurer Jed Rider of Alexander, N.D., and his wife manage a 250 cow/calf operation as a soil regeneration tool. He practices holistic management through a planned grazing system that consists of tame and native pastures, upper river breaks, rangeland, and bale grazing.

Past Chairman Chad Njos of Bowman, N.D., with his wife and four children, raises cows, hogs and poultry and works to improve the habitat for wildlife. Njos practices holistic management to improve grass production, diversity of grass species, better water infiltration, less runoff, more litter, increased wildlife number, and more pounds of beef per acre.

Rob Kramer of Denbigh, N.D., Christof Just of LaMoure, N.D., Keith Kronberg, and Thomas Kronberg both of Forbes, N.D., were approved as mentors for NDGLC. NDGLC has established a grassroots-based network of North Dakota grazing land managers, who have agreed to provide guidance and counsel to interested ranchers and agency personnel on grassland management. Learn more about NDGLC mentors.

The North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition (NDGLC) was organized by a grassroots group in 1996 to improve stewardship through regenerative and profitable grazing management for promoting the health and regeneration of North Dakota’s grasslands.

For more information on NDGLC visit