The National Biodiesel Conference and Expo gets underway this week at the Tampa Convention Center in Florida on Tuesday. The biggest gathering of the biodiesel industry will unveil “Vision 2020.” The industry will look to the future after ending 2019 with recent policy victories in Washington, D.C. Donnell (duh-NELL) Rehagen (REE-hagen), CEO of the National Biodiesel Board, says, “Last year at this time, U.S. biodiesel and renewable diesel producers faced an uncertain future. Thanks to our members and the support of industry champions, we’re going into the new year ready to deliver even more biodiesel to both our transportation and home heating fuel customers.” He says the conference is an opportunity to lay out the road map for the next ten years for a fuel that’s better than ever, cleaner, and now available coast-to-coast. Industry stakeholders at the conference will get new information on the latest vehicle technology, take a deep dive into the future of renewable fuels, and they’ll hear from expert speakers on environmental policy. The vehicle showcases and ride-and-drive events provide a chance to check out the latest biodiesel cars and trucks coming out from the world’s biggest manufacturers. The NBB says biodiesel is a clean-burning diesel replacement that can be used in existing diesel engines without modification.