Image and content courtesy of NDSU Extension
Three North Dakota 4-H’ers had an opportunity to develop their skills as leaders in the agriculture industry at the recent 63rd annual 4-H Youth AgriScience Summit held in Chevy Chase, Md.
“This was a great opportunity that opened my eyes to the endless career choices within agriculture,” says Haley Cowan, a summit delegate from Williams County.
The other two North Dakota delegates were Mitch Stuber from Slope County and Noah Helgoe from Pembina County. They were among delegates and adults from 39 states who attended the summit at the National 4-H Conference Center.
The summit program included interactive discussions with industry leaders representing Bayer Crop Science, CHS, Penn State Animal Science, the National 4-H Council and the National Association of Wheat Growers.
“The youth chose hands-on workshops, including improving your cattle herd through gene selection, utilizing weed identification apps and technologies, advocating for the agriculture industry, and learning which skills they enjoy the most and at which they are highly proficient,” says Sarah McNaughton, North Dakota State University Extension’s 4-H youth development agent in Cass County and the chaperone for the North Dakota delegates to the summit. “They also were able to collaborate as a team to create a community action plan to bring ideas learned during the summit back to fellow North Dakota 4-H’ers.”
The summit also included an afternoon at the National Mall to view agriscience exhibits in the Smithsonian Institution museums, and a night tour of numerous historical monuments and memorials in Washington, D.C.
“These delegates came from across the state of North Dakota and not only learned to collaborate with each other, but also shared ideas and plans with other 4-H’ers from across the country and Puerto Rico,” McNaughton says.
The North Dakota delegates intend to implement their community action plan at this year’s Extension Youth Conference in Fargo in June.