JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Two full days of panels, seminars, booths, speakers, and more will be free and open to the public this month.
The Winter Ag & Construction Expo returns to the Jamestown Civic Center on January 16th & 17th. Lynn Lambrecht with i3G Media says they have been holding the expo for a number of years and are always excited to bring it back.
Lambrecht says each day will feature something different. Thursday will begin with the Gackle-Streeter FFA Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast, which will be followed by the Commercial Pesticide Cert Course, Weed Management in 2020, Grain & Livestock Marketing, and more.
Lambrecht says they’re also excited to team up with the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce AgEnergy Committee for a panel discussion on Trades & Tariffs.
The panel will feature some big names beginning at 10:30 AM.
The following day will feature Defending the Legacy, Market Update, Drainage Issues and more. Another big highlight will be the North Dakota Firefighters Association and their Grain Bin Safety Demonstration.
Lambrecht says there were a lot of people asking to bring in Abbey Wick, NDSU Extension Soil Health Specialist.
Throughout both days will be Stutsman County Extension’s Ag in the Classroom. Students from around the region will be brought in to learn all about Ag. Each day will also feature the Farmers Appreciation Lunch, serving up at noon.
There is limited booth space available. You can contact Lynn Lambrecht if you have any questions at 701-252-1400. Click here for a full list of seminars, speakers, and more.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Lynn Lambrecht below: