JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce is preparing for their 89th Annual Awards Banquet on January 23rd, 2020.
Plans are underway as for the annual banquet, which is described as a night of recognition for businesses, employees, and those how have made Jamestown the community it is.
Chamber Executive Director Emily Bivens says the theme of the evening is “The Chamber is a Safe Bet.”
“The Chamber really isn’t a gamble,” Bivens stated. “You know you’re going to get some really great benefits, even if you aren’t a chamber member.”
Bivens says they’ll be celebrating all of 2019 including their Business of the Month award recipients and Customer Service Award recipients from the previous year.
The social will begin at 5:30 PM with Dinner at 6:30 PM and the awards to follow. Warren Abrahamson & Searle Swedlund will be this year’s hosts.
You can go to jamestownchamber.com or stop by their office at 120 2nd Street SE in Jamestown for more information.